Thursday, March 20, 2014

Q & A

How are emotions raised by a work of art different from typical human emotions? (Ex. is a "sad" photograph different from another experience of sadness?)
I feel like (using the picture of the dead children in Syria killed from the gas bombing as an example) if somebody had told me that a gas bombing had killed multiple children that I would be sad. I would feel bad for the kids and their parents, since they're only so young and having your life taken from you is a sad thing in general. However, when I see the photograph it becomes more real to me. I feel like I'm there in the moment looking at the little pile of children, it's devastating. I feel like seeing a photograph of the "sad" thing versus being told about it brings more emotions because you can clearly see what is happening. Plus, you can see the expressions on the people/animals face in the picture. It's like being able to tell exactly how they feel.

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